2024 Genetic Code Expansion Conference, Corvallis, USA

August 8, 2024

Biochemical innovations for expanding the therapeutics window of ADCs

Speaker: Dr. Christine Köhler, Co-founder, Director Antibody Engineering

Date & Time: August 10 at 3:10 – 3:30 PM

Talk: Biochemical innovations for expanding the therapeutics window of ADCs

  • Outstanding chemistry: Efficient and stable hydrophilic clickchemistry for reduced off- target toxicity
  • Unique Payload platform: Phosphonate-substituted tetrazines enable highly hydrophilic bioconjugation
  • Positioning intelligence: Selectable conjugation position allows further optimization of Efficay, PK & internalization
  • Highly efficient ADCs: Expanding the therapeutic window with increased efficacy and reduced-off target toxicity